Welcome to our langify blog

Find out about the news and updates towards translations and Shopify.

May 04, 2023
The role of customer loyalty and retention rate is as crucial as it is dynamic and individual. Depending on the certain business, specific customer and evaluation details. We know that a high customer loyalty and retention rate is good for business. Hence, the question is how to make the best out of this info.
March 31, 2023
Having a great product and a well-designed website is not enough to succeed. You also need high-quality content that engages your target audience and sets your brand apart from the competition
September 28, 2022
What is the right translation solution for my Shopify store? You might wonder, how to find the Best one? The truth is, there is no “Best” translation solution. It all depends on your business itself
August 30, 2022
Creating a bilingual or multilingual website on Shopify is easy with the right apps. There are a few things you should keep in mind. Which language do your existing customers speak, and which language(s) do your potential customers speak
June 28, 2022
Getting the right website structure, is essential to reach your customers. Generally, there are 3 types of domain structures: Top-level Domains (TLDs), Subdomains, and Subfolders. Find out about how translations benefit there.
June 14, 2022
Translating a store is one thing, reaching all buyers is another. To optimize your user’s experience, it is necessary to actually communicate your media as well with media translation. Images, videos and graphics. The original content itself and the meta context in the following...
May 23, 2022
Having your website available in multiple languages is an essential step to take for your online business today. Reach more customer and increase your sales now and tomorrow...
May 17, 2022
By now, you probably know you need a multilingual website. When your website is available in multiple languages, you attract more customers and in turn generate more sales. And these are only some of the benefits...
May 07, 2022
There are many ways you can use it to translate your website. The classic traditional way is to translate it manually, with the help of speakers of different languages.
May 02, 2022
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" How often do you read something in your own language and still not understand a word? That's common, and it's usually because it's fairly easy to make translation errors.
April 06, 2022
When trying to reach a wider audience, it is essential to translate every part of your online store. From browsing through products to placing and tracking orders
March 18, 2022
Shopify is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. This is why translating your online store is essential to reach customers globally. Increase your conversion-rate and sales. Who doesn’t want that?
March 17, 2022
E-commerce today is easier and more complex than ever. Opening an online store is just a few clicks away. For all sizes, scales and dedication of business. May it be the exclusively limited handcraft work from next door, the middle-sized company around the corner or a global enterprise ...
March 07, 2022
Shopify is a thriving factor in today's e-commerce business with 3.4 billion sales in 2022 (). Shopify is an excellent platform for digital sellers. Easy setup, use and scalability are the basic keys for an excellent user experience. With today's consumer spending hours shopping online, they prefers content in his native language. Merchants must take advantage of translations to reach more customers to increase sales.

  • NEWS
  • 5 days ago From langify

    🌟Exciting News Coming Soon! 🌟 Hey langify fam! 👋 Get ready because we've got some thrilling updates to share with you all! 🚀 We've been hard at work behind the scenes, cooking up some game-changing features to enhance your experience with us. We're revolutionizing our customer support with a chatbot, streamlining your feedback process with intuitive forms, and creating a monthly newsletter! We're committed to making your journey smoother and more efficient than before.💼 💬 Stay tuned for the big reveals! Trust me, you won't want to miss out on what we have in store for you, so make sure you're connected with our page.😉  Sign-up for our Monthly Newsletter to learn more about our current developments and future updates! https://buff.ly/3TXZG64  #StayTuned #Innovation #Shopify #langify
  • 1 week ago From langify

    🌐 Embracing AI Translation: Unlocking Global Opportunities with langify 🚀 In today's interconnected world, the ability to communicate across languages is essential for businesses aiming to thrive in global markets. 🌍 Yet, language barriers often hinder interaction and expansion. Enter AI translation—a game-changer revolutionizing how we break down these barriers and connect with diverse audiences worldwide. 🤖💬 At the forefront of this transformative technology is langify—an innovative app harnessing the power of AI to provide accurate and efficient translations across multiple languages. 🌐 Whether it's translating products, descriptions, or titles, langify allows Shopify store owners to reach a larger audience, opening doors to new markets and opportunities. 📈 Here's why AI translation, exemplified by langify, is more crucial than ever: 1️⃣Efficiency: Swift, accurate translations save time and resources.
    2️⃣Accuracy: Maintain brand integrity with precise translations.
    3️⃣Adaptability: Stay ahead with AI that evolves with languages.
    4️⃣Cost-Effectiveness: Quality translations without breaking the bank. Incorporating AI translation into your business strategy, with tools like langify, isn't just about breaking language barriers—it's about embracing diversity, fostering inclusion, and seizing opportunities in a global marketplace. 💼✨ Are you ready to take your business global? Discover the power of AI translation with langify and unlock a world of possibilities! 💡🌐  #AITranslation #langify #AI #Shopify
  • 2 weeks ago From langify

    🚀 Excited to share how AI is revolutionizing eCommerce! 🛍️ In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead means embracing cutting-edge technologies. And one tool that's truly transforming the game? Artificial Intelligence! 🤖 Here's how AI can take your eCommerce store to the next level: 1️⃣ Personalized Shopping Experience: AI algorithms analyze customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history to offer tailor-made product recommendations. This not only enhances user experience but also boosts conversions and customer satisfaction. 2️⃣ Dynamic Pricing Strategies: With AI-powered dynamic pricing, you can optimize prices in real-time based on factors like demand, competitor pricing, and customer behavior. This ensures maximum profitability while staying competitive in the market. 3️⃣ Advanced Search and Discovery: AI algorithms improve search accuracy and relevance, helping customers find exactly what they're looking for faster. This reduces bounce rates and increases the likelihood of conversions. 4️⃣Automated Customer Support: AI-powered chatbots provide instant responses to customer queries, offering round-the-clock support without human intervention. This boosts customer satisfaction and frees up resources for other tasks. By harnessing the power of AI, eCommerce businesses can streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth like never before. 💼💡 Ready to unlock the full potential of AI for your eCommerce store? Let's connect and explore how we can leverage these innovative technologies together! 🌐  #AI #eCommerce #Shopify #langify

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